I don't understand why anyone buys anything new ever. There is just too much good free and cheap stuff out there to spend your hard earned cash ever, ever paying retail prices, even if you are a bajillionaire. One great place to find cheap stuff is on line. I love perusing Craigslist. I find the site absolutely fascinating. Here are a few of today's "FREE ITEMS" hand picked straight offa Craigslist for you to benefit from on today's Bargain Master. Just bring a pal or two if you're going to pick something up or have a few pals around if someone's coming over. Another thing you can find for free on Craigslist, unfortunately, are serial killers. Happy free shopping!
Free Haircut at Crops for Girls short haircut store in the Lower East Side. This is for girls who want a short hairstyle to change it up for 2011
Six pairs of cute womens shoes, size 6, East Village, w pic, in case you have recently lost all your shoes in a fire
Free scrap wood, a whole mess of it, looks like it'd be good for burning, carpentry or carving into swords, Cobble Hill
Cap for a small truck so you can hide the bodies
Cute Pit Bull in NJ in case you have 7 hours worth of free time that you'd like to fill walking a dog
Free Claw Foot Bathtub - though these things are really heavy and require a truck and a couple strong people to move, they are so beautiful, typically quite valuable and are great if you are remodeling a home or if you'd like to slit your wrists in a bathtub but only have a standing shower
Sumi-e paintbrush set for the Japanese artist in you
White upright piano, lovely, Wilton, CT, for the Elton John in you
25 free printed ribbons for your event, great for a birthday party, event or AIDS rally
Jones New York Winter Coat - Upper West Side - those rich people are always giving great stuff away cuz money is no object